first trimester bleeding

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  • Thanks for this! I’m trying not to panic over occasional spotting.

    • You’re welcome! Yeah, it happened to me with each of my pregnancies. Sometimes it really isn’t something to panic about.

      • I know it’s different for everyone but anecdotally, can you give an idea of what you’re spotting experiences were like with your healthy pregnancies?

        I’m 6-7 weeks along, we just heard a heartbeat 4 days ago, but last night and this morning I’m seeing brown spotting when I wipe and a little in my underwear. How long did yours last when you had it?

  • Thank you for this. I recently found out I’m expecting and today I started to experience bleeding. I’m so worried, but I’ve already spoken to my OB and am waiting on bloodwork. Your article helped me feel a little less stressed.

    • I’m glad I could help a little bit, Celeste! You did the right thing by talking to your OB and getting blood work done. But you’re right not to stress about it! Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck!

  • Kristine G says:

    This is so reassuring! I’m 5 weeks pregnant with my second baby and experienced bleeding with my first also.. I never got any answers as to why but this would have saved me so much worry and stress had I read this before. I’m also currently experiencing spotting. Hoping that that’s all this is. But Thank you so much for this informative read!

  • I just found out that l am spotting .u really helped me to calm a little bit , through I’m still worried , going to see my doctor tomorrow

    • I’m glad i helped you keep calm while you waited for your appointment. I hope it went well!

  • I’m 7weeks to 8 with twins is light spotting normal?

    • Hey Eden! It certainly can be but you should always consult your doctor to be sure. Congrats on your twin pregnancy!

  • I’m so glad I came across this! I too recently found out I’m pregnant with our second. But spotting/bleeding is new for me, I didn’t experience it with my first pregnancy. I started spotting earlier this week with mild cramping. They did an ultrasound & baby has a heart rate of 123 and was wiggling. They determined that I’m almost 7 weeks. I came back in 48 hrs to retest my levels and they almost doubled. She said I had subchorionic hemorrhage. The bleeding stopped but it came back a day later. I’ve been taking pictures to keep updates. I’m trying not to freak out though. Again, thank you so much for this has helped a lot.

    • You’re welcome, Jordan! I wish you all the best during your pregnancy!

  • Susan H. Perez says:

    I am almost 9 weeks pregnant and I experienced bleeding yesterday with a little bit blood clot, but the bleeding cannot full the pad,until now i have a light bleefing but I had my ultrasound 1 week ago it had a heartbeat of 137, i will go to ER tommorrow to know what it is happeninh hoping that it is not miscarriage,but because of your explanations I am now less nervous.Thank you to your column I learned a lot not to panic.

    • I’m so glad that this post helped you to release some of the panic feeling. How did it go? I hope everything is well!

  • Thank you for this post! I am 6 weeks pregnant and have had light bleeding today. This post reassured me and the comments helped me feel less alone. It’s a scary thing, but reassuring to know that it’s common. I have my 8 week appointment in 8 days and will hopefully have more answers then.

    • I am so glad that I could help even just a little. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts! Good luck at our appointment!

  • Hi..7wks pregnant andI’m having a spotting for 4 days already. I did ultrasound yesterday to know the cause. They told me its too early to know because its still small and its look like 6wks only. That night I feel pain on my abdomen and when I went to the washroom its not spotting anymore i’m bleeding and passing 3 blood clot like a tooney size. I’m so nervous because I already experienced 2 miscarriages already but the the thing is I don’t feel bad pain on my abdomen unlike my previous miscarriage that to the point I feel dying because of the pain. This one is different. I went to the hospital and I was there for half a day and I didn’t feel any pain at all. Everytime I went to the washroom my pad is empty ( no blood) just when you wiped it only or if I pee theres blood. So the doctor took me a blood test they call ot hcg. They sent me home they want me to come back after 2 days for hcg blood works again. So now im still having spotting, the bleeding was lessen after passing that blood clot. After reading your post I just feel relieved and am still hoping that everything will be alright.

    • Hey there Gian! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Spotting can be normal but passing clots can be a little concerning when it comes to pregnancy at any stage. Your HCG levels will definitely help you and your provider get answers. Good luck!

  • Melba from philippines says:

    Hey! Im 8 weeks pregnant but the transvaginal ultrasound that my baby is only 6 weeks and 6 days and crown-rump of 7.5 but still has no fht😔 i had a miscarriage last 2019. Im really relieved with what you’ve stated in this article hoping that this tiny baby inside me will still survive since ive been bleeding for 5 days. Just broen discharges and not reddish, no bloodclots. Hmmmm…. im still hoping that everything will turn out fine since im scheduled with another transvi this coming saturday march 27,2021….

    • I will keep you in my thoughts!Sending all the good vibes your way. 🙏🏻

  • Hello!

    I’m 6 weeks pregnant. I’m experiencing some spotting it started 2 days ago, and it’s still going. Did the doctors ever tell you what was causing your first Trimester bleeding? I got blood work done yesterday, so they can check my levels. I did not experience first trimester bleeding with my first one, so this is a little concerning to me.

  • Thank you Heather. After reading your article I feel a little better. I’m 9-weeks pregnant and have experience spotting for the past two days. I’m waiting on results of a blood test.

    This is my first pregnancy and it was a pleasant surprise! I have been trying to cope with being as informed as possible and not giving up hope.

    • I’ll be keeping you in my prayers, Melissa! You’re doing the right thing by looking up information but trying to stay calm. Many times, spotting is nothing. But it’s always a good idea to let your doctor know just in case. Good luck to yoU!

  • I must say I am a little nervous. I am 40 years old and had my first visit on yesterday with my OB…. I was washing dishes and I felt moisture… Went to restroom and saw the pink in my panties… Really scared me….I am 5 weeks 5 days very early and they had not detected a heartbeat…. I am praying that everything is ok… I did go for a 30 minute walk and had intercourse the night prior so this could have triggered it but I am going to call my doctor.

    • Yeah definitely call your doctor for sure. I’ll be crossing my fingers that everything is still going well for you!

  • Thanks very much I have learned A lot. Is my first time having pregnancy bleeding. Be blessed my sister