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  1. Loving these tips. I cant wait to start a family. I love babies!
    Christina XOXO

  2. You made a great point when you explained that it is important to seek advice from trusted sources when you are expecting your first child. My wife and I are super excited because we recently found out she is pregnant with our first child, but we know nothing about raising children. I imagine that it would probably be a good idea for us to find an OBGYN to work with first.

    1. Yep! That’s step one! Staying educated is important but getting information from trusted sources is key!

  3. #11 oh how I need to hear this over and over again….. I’m a first timer and I’ve been praying for this since forever! And now I’ve caught myself searching and researching every little thing and let me tell you… there are some scary things out on the internet and it just freaked me out. What makes it worst is that I still haven’t been to my first appointment (it’s this Tuesday!) and not knowing what’s happening is frustrating. Reading #11 helped, so thank you! I feel that on the quest of trying to find out what to do and what symptoms mean and why I’m not feeling it anymore, you get caught up in the negative things. Your page is awesome and a sign of relief!!!

  4. Jenniffer says:

    Thanks Heather for this wisdom. I needed it.God bless you

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