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  1. Samantha Baur says:

    Oh my gosh! I’ve been waiting my entire pregnancy for this post! I’m 37 weeks as of yesterday, and have been driving myself INSANE trying to figure out what I need to pack for myself, my husband, and our baby. Hahaha thank you SO much for this! You have a serious knack for putting my anxiety at ease! <3

    As far as what I’ve packed, I’m preparing for a c-section length of stay because it’s my first. Probably won’t end up using half of what’s in there, but I’d rather be overprepared than not have something we end up needing. Lol

    For myself: three different bottoms (all black, all super comfy); two nursing tanks with built in “bras” (because we all know that those don’t actually support huge boobies haha), an easily removed/pulled down yoga-type bra, a normal low-scoop tank top (figured it would be just as easy to nurse in considering I can just pull my boob out), three pairs of black granny panties (including a pair of maternity granny panties, just in case I feel the need for extra support), toiletries (including dry shampoo), long phone charger, hair ties (3, in case they break), a headband (because I hate when my hair is in my face), socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, and a brush. For my husband: two pairs of shorts, two shirts, two pairs of boxers, toiletries, toothbrush, toothpaste, and socks. For the baby: a couple of plain onesies, a going home outfit, swaddle blankets (2), Boppy pillow for nursing, nail clippers, and a couple pairs of socks.

    Like I said, I’m probably way too overprepared, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. Haha I’ve been told by multiple mama friends that the hospital will provide a lot of the things I’ll need (like the mesh undies and pads), so I didn’t see the need to bring those along. Lol

    1. Sam! I am so, so glad that you are enjoying my posts! Yes, you seem very prepared! You are going to do great. Seriously. Take a look at next week’s post too because I go over a few things not to bring in your hospital bag too. You don’t want to be dragging too much in to the hospital when you’re having a baby. No fun for you or hubby. But it sounds to me like your bag is very strategically packed. You go girl!

  2. Great read! Best to be prepared and this guide is amazing!!

  3. all good tips. I packed my bag the night before I was induced it was kinda quick. I didn’t know about a belly bandit belt or the inflatable pelvis thing you can use either. But I did fine without either of them, my labor was very short so my room didn’t get smelly. I would add that the granny panties they give you in the hospital are great. Why buy new ones when they’re going to get gross anyways. they give you tons. Hoard the dermaplast spray- it’s a lifesaver and you might want to get a round doughnut pillow for sitting after delivering vaginally – like when you’re in the car etc. those parts get sore!

    1. Janna,
      You are so right! A donut pillow is also a great idea for the sore bottom that you’re sure to have! You’re so lucky that you had a fast labor! That changes a lot of things. Thanks for your advice!

  4. You have added some great things to your list! With so many resources it is hard to commit to any one, but this list is one I will recommend! Thanks!

  5. Oh my gosh. My bag was soooooo much simpler than this haha I literally just packed what I would normally pack for a weekend away: a couple outfits, shower essentials, makeup (which I absolutely did after giving birth lol), chargers, etc. We didn’t bring anything for my husband because he spent nights at home with our dog so he wouldn’t get lonely and then all I brought for the baby was a couple outfits and a pacifier lol and I absolutely wore my yoga pants because it helped keep those pads in the right place. Sweatpants would have been way too loose and I didn’t need everything moving around down there every time I walked around. Not to mention I don’t even own sweatpants or pj’s. And apparently, I’m that 1% who never needed chapstick? haha

    1. Haha Keating, yes, you are in the 1% that didn’t need chapstick lol. I love that your bag was simple! The simpler the better! It was so smart to only bring a couple of outfits and a pacifier for baby. That’s exactly what I’m saying. The baby needs minimal stuff for sure! Most dads do stay in the hospital but since yours didn’t, I don’t blame your for not brining anything for him. I’m surprised you needed your yoga pants to keep everything in the right place! Most of the time underwear does the job. I just hated the idea of pad lines being seen through my yoga pants! You do you, boo!

  6. Great list! Since I have had c-sections with both of my kids I feel like after being in the hospital for 3-4 days we have so much stuff!

    1. Thanks Adree! Yes, you don’t realize going in that you’ll be coming out with even more!

    1. What!? That’s just crazy! What a bummer. Were you having s c-section?

  7. Alicia Wood says:

    There are so many hospital bag blogs but I love yours best! I’m only 14 weeks today but a bit of a planner myself so saving this! And you can find the delivery gowns with snaps on front and back on etsy! My favorite shop that makes them is “impressionismshop”, they have a ton of styles from shoulder and back snaps to front/back snaps to robes with snaps!

    1. Thank you, Alicia! I really appreciate you saying that! Oh my goodness, I am going to check those out on Etsy right away! Thank you for the recommendation!

      1. You’re welcome! Also just search on Etsy for like “snap hospital gown”!

    1. Thanks girl! I’m telling you, gowns that open in the back and the front are where it’s at!

  8. Saving this for sure. I’m 33 weeks today and have been procrastinating putting a bag together. But it’s on the list for next week, promise! Lol. I also just wanted to say, I found a fabulous hospital gown that snaps everywhere you need it to at motherhood maternity store. I found it online and it was more than I really wanted to spend. But then one day I was in store and found one on the clearance rack in my size! Score!

    1. Oh total score! Hospital gowns need all the buttons! I’m so glad that you found one that works and isn’t out-of-control expensive!

  9. Donnya Negera says:

    This is thorough and extremely helpful! thank you

  10. Thank you for this list! I’m only 23 weeks but my entire Pinterest board has someone how become hospital bag blogs and they all seemed over the top to me. This and your what not to pack blog are the first that actually seem helpful!

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