early labor signs

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  • I know the accupressure point right above the ankle works, because that put me in labor each time. I never knew about the pineapple or the induction cookies, though! Those sound awesome!

    • Yeah! The pineapple was difficult for me, but I do know a lot of moms who swear by it.

  • Oh I remember the days of EPO, long walks, and eating pineapple cores! ? I still have some red raspberry leaf tea hanging around somewhere in the pantry! Honestly, these things must work, because I only pushed 4 times with my first, and out he came! ?

    • Nice! Only pushing four times with your first is a hard win! You go girl!

  • All great ideas! Wish I had known all of these 20 years ago!

    • Honestly, I wish I had known about some of these even 2 years ago! haha

  • I can attest to the fact that NOTHING will wrk unless your body decides it is ready. With my third baby I I was finally indicted at 8 days late. I tried almost everything on that list. NONE of it worked! He just WOULD NOT get out (he’s still stubborn to this day, lol). I did the same thing with my 4th baby and was induced at 6 days late. And then again with my 5th baby and finally went into labor on my own at 6 days late. I swear I must make the world’s comfiest home because none of my kids ever want to get out. I also have crazy strong contractions throughout the entire second half of pregnancy, and yet still don’t go into labor on my own. I sometimes joke that more people broke out of Alcatraz than out of my uterus! ?

    • Haha, Heather, you poor thing! Well, some would say it’s a blessing to have such a comfy uterus! But I am sure it was so frustrating for you. It totally agree with you that if baby isn’t ready to come, then it’s just not going to happen until he is. ?

    • Anonymous says:

      8 days late is not that late. You can go two weeks late and it still be completely safe and even beneficial for baby.

  • I do know that a lot of the tips above work 🙂 I have 7 kiddos and I can say that most of the above I have tried. Lots of mommas get really tired and excited during those final weeks. What I will say is to try to take it as calmly as possible. When the little one is ready to come they will be here and you will have an entirely different world of tired and excited 🙂

    • Luz, I totally agree. I’m so glad you can attest that these tips work!

  • I didn’t expect to learn anything new from this post. I had two babies past their due dates, despite trying so many things to help kickstart labor. If I have another baby, you have given me some new ideas to avoid another past due baby!

    • Anita, I am so glad you learned a few new tricks in my post! I can’t wait to hear what you think next time! Good luck! I know what it’s like to have a past due baby.

  • Information-packed article! I found climbing the stairs and movement really helped with my last! Will bookmark this for the next haha Jen xx

    • Thank you, Jen! I’m glad to hear that one of these tricks worked for you!

  • I used sex, nipple stimulation, exercise, acupressure, massage. I just couldn’t get him to come. One week after his due date they broke my water because my blood pressure was high. One thing I’ve always heard but never tried was castor oil.

  • An Iranian study of 120 women concluded that sex during the last week of pregnancy “might be associated with the onset of labor” and could be a natural way to induce this process.

  • Jessica Jones says:

    With my 1st I went 1w+6d over due, right after a REALLY INTENSE membrane strip, I finally went into labor! My second I was induced. I’m going to try to eat a lot of pineapple with this one ?

  • Anonymous says:

    I actually tried castor oil at 40w1d with my 4th because I was so over being pregnant and it was Labor Day afterall, haha! BUT I drank half the recommended dose, and I mixed it with 12oz of seltzer water and drank it over the course of an hour. When I finished drinking it, I immediately had contractions 5 minutes apart and had my son in arms within an hour (natural delivery). I’m currently pregnant with our 5th and may try that again if I reach my due date. 😬

    • I’m so glad it worked out and had a positive end result! Wishing you all the best this pregnancy!