qualities of a good father

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  1. All new dads-to-be should read this! I am incredibly grateful that my husband went almost every single prenatal appointment with me and was ever so patient and kind with me with all those raging hormones going through my body. I was also grateful he was completely on board with cloth diapers and natural birth. He really stepped up while I was on bed rest as well.

    It’s also extremely important for new dads to learn how to support breastfeeding moms (there’s a lot of ways they can help) and how to make sure their wife has time to take care of HERSELF after baby is born.

  2. This is such a wonderful post! I love it! – I think that it is so important for dads to realize how great it is when they are involved in the pregnancy!

  3. Love this list for expecting dad’s! You are right, the relationship between partners prior to baby being born is crucial. It sets the foundation for a supportive foundation for this new journey as soon as the baby is born, which is awesome!

  4. I agree that it would be good to be present for big milestones like seeing the heartbeat in the ultrasound. I feel like it would be hard to take work off to be there for everything, but if I could be there for the big events, then that sounds good. I’ll have to make sure to try and do that sort of thing with my wife to take the pregnancy as easy for her a possible.

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