co sleeping, co sleeper, baby wont sleep, newborn baby

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  1. Its like I wrote this! I never planned to bed share. It just happened. She’s 11 months old now & still hasnt taken a nap out of my arms. I’m going to read your weaning post, because I need help!! Lol.

    1. I have heard so many people say that they didn’t intend to bed share but they had to because that’s what worked! I think that means something, you know? Yes! Read the weaning post and email me if you ever need help or support.

  2. Thank you for this article. I was feeling so guilty for bed sharing, but it’s the only way anyone got any sleep. Your perspective on it made me feel so much better, especially how you say the baby needs it too ❤️ Also, I purchased the snuggle me organic the day I read this (probably a month ago) and it has changed our life!! I love your blog and Instagram, and look forward to learning more from you! Thanks for all you do!

  3. Hi! What is the co-sleeper you linked to? The link on Amazon doesn’t work anymore and I would love to have an additional barrier between baby and me in bed. I so appreciated this post and it rang so true for us with our as-I-write-this two week old. It just makes so much more sense for us!

    1. Hey Kara!
      This is a post that is a couple of years old and I was recommending the DocATot. We loved the DocATot and used it for our first two babies. But there was a recall on that product so my new recommendation is what I used with my third baby! I went ahead and updated the link for you!

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