infant acid reflux solutions

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  • A very informative post thanks!! Mine has silent reflux and had a tongue tie divided (twice actually) so I know it can be hard, but I always pick up little tips reading posts like these. So thanks again 🙂 x

  • Lauren Sulfridge says:

    YES!!! My little man spits up like this!! I have been trying everything! I have changed my diet, taken him to a chiro, done the ultasound and barium test, kept him upright, a probiotic, and have him on reflux medicine. We have an appointment with a pediatric gi next week. How old was your son when the spit up slowed down/ stopped? It is so difficult!! We can hardly go and do anything because poor guy will spit up all over everything.

    • Oh, Mama, I feel for you! I remember how difficult it was. I felt like it would never end. It slowed down to almost tolerable around 4 months but continued until 7 months. After that, he stopped spitting up completely. If your little one is younger than that, I might recommend not taking him to a specialist just yet. I am not a doctor and you should do what feels right but sometimes time is all it takes. I know that’s. I know that’s hard to hear because I HATED the thought of just waiting it out. But I’m the end, that’s what my son needed.

      • Lauren Sulfridge says:

        My little guy is 5 and a half months and still spitting up so badly! He even spits up baby food. I am still holding on to the hope that it will magically disappear one day. Maybe 7 months will be a golden month for us too. Fingers crossed!

      • Hello did your little one have reflux or acid reflux? Did he have trouble nursing pulling off screaming and refusing to eat? My little one will only nurse if I rock him to sleep. He’s 4 months old and wondering when he’ll be more comfortable.

        • Yes, Tamara, my son had acid reflux. Each reflux baby might present their symptoms differently, though. My son never refused to eat but I know that is a common symptom. Sometimes my son would pull off frequently throughout the feed but I never had trouble getting him to get a full feed. Your poor little one. I’m sorry you’re going through that. Around four months is when my son became a little happier after eating. Before that point, he would fuss after he ate and had the worst trouble sleeping. But once four months came along, I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That being said, his reflux did not go away completely until 7 months old. Hang in there, mama! The time will come when your baby is more comfortable. I know it feels like an eternity away but it’s right around the corner!

  • Yes , loved this bc the whole time I’m reading I’m thinking it sounds just like my son. Except he shakes his head from side to side when he’s not wanting more milk and screaming with pain .It’s been hard for us too just to realize these symptoms for acid reflux and not just being a newborn. Except I didn’t breastfeed at all with this one , I thought it would be easier little did I know ! His doctor has switched him 3 times with formulas and I’ve seen a small difference with this last one which is alamentum so I will take it . Also we are now on our second prescription trying and like you said I was thinking I haven’t seen a difference yet with either one .What has helped us so far , baby is 9 weeks old , is gas drops and we did the no no , we sleep him on his stomach with of course nothing else in the crib and very flat tight sheet and I started this at 7 weeks so I feel like he can hold his head up enough and he sleeps in his crib in our room . I’m not saying I recommend this to other ppl but doing this for us I have seen a good difference with my baby . Thank you for your article, it makes me feel like my baby problems are normal and stressful at times which makes me feel like I’m not the only one that thinks this .

    • I k is how you feel! When I was going through it I just wanted someone else to tell me they went through it too and I was not the only one. I feel like medications sometimes are just not the answer. We tried it and I kind of regretted even trying it. If sleeping on his stomach is working for you, don’t feel bad. It works for many moms with reflux babies! You know all of those important sleep recommendations so, you’re not oblivious. That’s important. Good luck with your sweet babe! It takes time. You’ll get thee.

  • My baby is almost 3 months old and our pediatrician just diagnosed him with severe reflux. I had no idea this was a common thing in new borns, and I cant stop feeling guilty for not knowing and seeing my baby in pain all this time. Thank you for posting your advice. Its refreshing to know I’m not alone.

    • You’re most definitely not alone. You’re very welcome! Hang in there, mama

  • Write down key medical information, including how often you feed your baby, how long the feedings last and the brand of any formula that you are using.

  • My 4 week old baby girl is suffering bad from acid reflux. I have acid reflux and could tell right away what was going on with her. I have been doing so much research. We feed with head up, keep her head elevated for 30 min after feed, burp a lot, wedge under mattress, probiotics and gripe water. We tried Nexium and I swear it was worse and she had side effects like diarrhea. I am dairy and egg free… may try nuts and soy next. I do supplemern1-2 feeds a day with Holle organic goat milk formula and it helps but she sucks a bottle down so fast we have to be very careful to stop her often and burp and slow her down which she hates and screams. We are going to try a chiropractor next. Sleeping is a huge problem. For her and us and we are hoping to get some type of routine sooner than later. It’s so hard seeing some many people say they go out with their infant and do all these things and I can’t even get dressed because my baby never sleeps and always wants to feed.

    • Oh, Kira, I feel for you! I remember going through all of this with my first son! I felt like I didn’t sleep for the first four months of his life. I just want you to remember that it’s not your fault, there is nothing you could have done to prevent this, and you’re doing an amazing job! You will get through this. I pinky promise that it won’t last forever.

  • I truly appreciate this read. Here I am at 2 in the morning after my newly 3 month old threw up all of his middle of the night feed. He’s been on acid reflux meds for a few weeks now and I feel it’s working in waves, it’ll work for a few days and then it’ll be bad again. My son constantly throws up every breastfed meal he is given. He was an excellent nurser from the get go but I eventually went to bottles since my let down choked him and the flow was slower… but unfortunately he still throws up everything.. I find that my little guys seems congested a lot… fortunately for us he sleeps well and is gaining weight.. but the throwing up everything, the stress during feeding, the frequent crying, the constant feeding (he will eat and eat and eat) Uhg, i have googled
    So much that I’ve scared myself to death- but the symptoms my son is having matches the diagnosis of Laryngomalacia. Have you ever heard of this? Experienced it? It’s quite awful and when I mentioned it to my pediatrician he said that something like that will go away on its own. I have So many words and concerns and questions that I’m frazzled and at a loss on what to do for my little guy. I just truly want it to end. Thank you for your post. It rest helps to know that I am Not the only mama going through this.

    • I have not experienced Laryngomalacia. I HAVE experienced my pediatrician telling me that my babies symptoms are just going to go away on their own. It’s incredibly frustrating but your pediatrician is probably right. Even though it was SO hard to experience what you’re experiencing, we got through it. I thought that it would never end but it did. It will for you too. I’ll be crossing my fingers for you!

  • Akanksha Dingane says:

    This is gold. I am finally able to understand what is going on with my baby as he has tounge ties, lip ties and buckle ties that we got released, but we thought that all the problems will be fixed once he can use his tounge properly to feed. After his 6 weeks needle , all the progress we had made went down the hill and he is not sleeping and comfort feeding ever since. I was not able to understand what suddenly happened. Today the osteo we visited mentioned that it could be that his gut has reacted poorly to the rotavirus vaccine and is indeed showing signs of reflux. He had always shown signs of reflux but just that other things have been masking the trouble and now it’s pronounced like never before. Thank you so much for your article.
    I would like to add something to this. I am in Melbourne and there is a small pharmacy medicine locals swear by I.e wilbys so I am going to try that for colic relief and Qiara – probiotic for myself and bub. Hopefully everyone gets a good read of this article.

    • Thank you! I am so glad you got so much value out of it!