first time mom

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  1. I’m totally sending this to my friend who’s due in Jan!! Such great tips

  2. I went into my first labor completely unprepared. I wish I would’ve done more research but I was honestly too scared to and thought going in blind was better than reading dozens of horror stories. Thankfully my mom stayed to help, she was my lifesaver and helped my husband help me. This is some great advice, and I’ll be implementing several of them in a few weeks when I have my third!

    1. So many moms go into it blind. You are not alone! I’m glad your mom was there for you in a positive way! That makes such a huge difference.

  3. This is a great, comprehensive post to prepare for labor.
    So many comments I had along the way while reading but most importantly, amen about needing to be flexible!
    I had a birth plan and have known certain things about how my labor would go before I even got pregnant. For example, I knew I didn’t want to be induced. Well guess who got induced? ??‍♀️ I’m a control freak so I was very uncomfortable with this deviation from my plan but I had to do it for the safety of my baby. Maybe if I REALLY understood that the birth plan was just a guide rather than an actual plan, it may have saved me some tears and shock.

  4. Yes, pushing may feel weird for a new mom but it’s needed so shouldn’t be shied away from. I so wish I could have had small snacks but it’s frowned upon with Pit. After not progressing for many hours I was permitted a small meal.

    1. True! Once you are admitted to the hospital they usually don’t let you eat anything (other than jello or other clear foods) anymore. But if you can labor at home for a while, taking small bites between contractions is a great idea!

  5. This is great advice! I would only say to not listen to too many stories about other people’s labor because it might cause too much anxiety- but that’s coming from someone who has anxious tendencies. I definitely agree that educating yourself is a good idea and taking a class is a great way to do that! I also thought the hospital tour was very helpful!

    1. That’s true, Patrice. If other people’s labor stories give you anxiety, it might not be a good idea!

  6. I never thought to get my own hospital gown, but that’s such a good idea! That was definitely something that I didn’t like about my hospital experience. Having something with snaps would’ve been so much better.

    1. Yes! I had my own hospital gown both times and am so glad that I did!

  7. Going with the flow and being flexible is super important. It’s good to have an idea of the kind of birth you want. But you never know what will be thrown your way.

  8. All great advice! I definitely fall into the camp of those who thought pushing was the painful part. I had no idea it was the long, slow part! Also, I’m pretty sure my epidural stopped working. haha

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Yes, pushing surprises so many new moms!

  9. Arriving prepared is so important! This post is quite helpful, thanks for putting this together, it is sure to help many first time moms.

  10. This is great advice to be prepared for labor and delivery. I wish. I would have done more research prior to going in to be induced with my first son. It is so important to know all facets of labor, and that what ifs!

  11. I’m a six time mama and back your labor advice 100%! Excellent job on this post! I loved that you included that the support system matters too.

  12. Great tips! I just did a post on how labor doesn’t always have to be like the horror stories we hear and these tips prove that! I’ve shared on Pinterest. Thanks so much for using your expertise and put all of this in one place!

  13. STEPH | Dresses and Dinosaurs says:

    These are great tips for first time moms! I especially love being flexible and being patient. My daughter was 11 days late and then still did not want to come so the plan was constantly changing. It was certainly overwhelming!

  14. It is definitely helpful to have some experienced moms that will be honest with you, not just try to one up or minimize what you are feeling.

  15. Great post. I love your tips for new moms. I especially found the one about the epidural so important. There are so many women that are under the impression that they can get the epidural at any time, that they don’t realize that they might have to labor without one until the time is right. I think this line of thought sets up a lot of moms for frustration and a much more painful experience. Also going with the flow is important. I wasn’t good at that the first time around. But by my second birth I was prepared for pretty much anything.

  16. It is good to be as prepared as possible when it comes to labor. There are so many different scenarios and it is important to be flexible.

  17. Im pregnant with my second and I think these tips are good for even the second time around. Each labor is so different that you need to be patient and prepared for anything and everything.

  18. These are all great tips! Although, I researched a lot before giving birth to my children, everything went out the window the moment that I was in labor with them. Lol I didn’t want to be touched. I wish I was more prepared.

  19. This is great advice! I feel like I knew a lot of this going into my labor and delivery, but things change. It didn’t happen the way I thought at all. I wish I would of had this guide before giving birth.

  20. Great post mama! I’ll be sharing this with a friend that is having a little one soon.

  21. I love your advice of “go with the flow” and “be flexible”. I think those two are both so important since inevitably things don’t go as planned with your first birth and being adaptable makes such a difference.

  22. These are some great tips. I’ll definitely be sharing with my pregnant friends. Thanks, for sharing.

  23. Stephanie says:

    Love this!! Very helpful for first time mommy ❤️

  24. Hi! What if I need to be induced but want a natural birth other wise. Is that possible?

    1. Absolutely! 100% possible and happens all of the time! Come follow me on IG @alifeinlabor for tips on how!

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