before you head to the hospital

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  1. Valerie Knight says:

    Wow this is the best blog I’ve found so far on the whole labor process! I will be a first time mom in December and I just started diving into my research and looking Pinterest. I would love to have a natural birth and your story made me feel more empowered to do so! I’m so glad I found your post! I haven’t commented before but this post was just so helpful and perfectly laid out! Plus the photos are so beautiful! I had to let you know 🙂 thanks for the post and the great insight!

    1. Well, I love this! Thanks for the comment! You are very welcome. I try my best to get as much realistic and useful information out there as possible. Congratulations on your baby coming in December! I totally agree that doing research is the best thing that you can do to get empowered and knowledgable about your upcoming birth. If you are looking for free information every week, make sure you get on my email list for a week-by-week pregnancy update. I share things like this post. Very real, coming from me (nurse+mom). If your looking for something more in depth, I also have a labor and birth course that is only open for enrollment this week!

  2. After having just given birth at a hospital to my newborn son, this is the best, most insightful, and most realistic article on the labor and delivery process and what to expect. Perfect for first time moms!

  3. This was such a great article! I am trying to read up on some stuff before I have my second baby and came across it. I can say that these are all VERY true. This time around I will not be taking an enormous suitcase, one backpack, a purse and a boppy with me while I’m headed to delivery. I have one tiny duffel bag that you have convinced me would be wise to leave in the car until I move to the recovery room (great tip!) and a boppy. I will put all the essentials in my purse and call it good for the delivery. I think my husband with thank me too haha.
    For my first son, I had hit the consistent contractions mark but knew it was just the beginning. I had done a full day of work and had my husband come get me. We got Chick-fil-a (I got a spicy chicken sandwich – I thought might speed up the process lol) then when we got home I took a shower and packed a few last minute things. I called the dr. At the hospital and asked if they wanted me to come in. He told me that I could but only if the contractions were getting painful. I decided they could be a lot worse and thought it would be best to stay home a little longer – against my husband’s will haha. I told him to calm down and try to get some sleep. I too took a nap and knew that my contractions would wake me up if I was really going into labor. Around 3am they did and I decided it was time to go in. After a grueling 20 minute car ride to the hospital, I was stuck in triage for over 2 hours.
    I was thankful that I choose those extra few hours to stay home because I never even delivered until 6pm and as you said, I didn’t get much food or sleep after that point.
    Thanks for the article and helping me feel even more prepared for this second birth!

    1. Hey Kiana! Thanks for the birth story! I love that! You did amazing! It sounds like you really knew your body and you knew what was best for you in the moment. GO YOU! Congratulations on your pregnancy. I can’t wait to hear your birth story and whether or not your husband thanked you for the bag in the car tip 😉

  4. I’m a 2nd time mom, due September. I find the article realistic. I plan to delay going to the hospital until it’s absolutely necessary so I get all the comfort of being at home. Love from Botswana, Africa

  5. As a labor and delivery nurse, I love this so SO so much. Wish everyone would read it!

  6. Wow, I am due in November and I really needed this! I am researching more and more about labor and delivery and this was by far the most realist blog or article I’ve read! Thank you!

    1. Hey Joyce! Thank you! I love that! Thanks for letting me know it helped you!

  7. Heather! I am a very experienced mama. Due to have my 5th baby at the end of this summer and let me tell you: had I read this in 2012 I probably wouldn’t have ended up with a c-section. I’ve had 2 cesareans and 2 natural (non medicated) vaginal births and I’m having this (my last baby) natural also. I want to experience laboring at home as long as feasible as I’ve always done so in the hospital setting so when I ran across this article I decided to glance at it – but this! Yes! Some of these points are things I never would’ve considered even having all the experience I do. It’s so relevant and practical. There’s a lot of fluff out there but this is informational and rich. Thank you so much

    1. Hey Mrs. B! I’m so glad you found value in this post! Thanks so much for your kind words!

  8. I’m going to echo what the other ladies have said – I’m so glad I found your blog. I have been avoiding reading birth stories and other “helpful” sites on the internet because I have a very active imagination and tend to worry and everyone is so opinionated. It’s like a sea of uncertainty. Although I’ve never given birth before, I can tell that your information is practical and every post has been worth reading. I’ve wanted an unmedicated birth from the beginning because it just felt right and I didn’t want anyone poking me in the back but I’ve felt anxious about it – Could I really do it? Was it okay to try for it? Do I have a “good enough” reason? (even though my own mom went unmedicated for all 9 of us kids for the exact same reasons) Your posts have made me feel that it’s hard but possible and reading your birth stories hasn’t made me anxious either, even though things didn’t go exactly “your way.” I now feel energized to do more research and make some actual decisions instead of hanging back in uncertainty and fear. (our boy is due Nov 23, 2022)

    1. Aww I love this! I’m so glad you found a resource that could help you! Congratulations, Rose!

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